Kontakt/Impressum   -   scroll down for english version

Daniela Dietel-Wright
Rheinstrasse 2-3
12159 Berlin

Telefon: 0049+(0)177-4254 635

Umsatzsteuer-Ident-Nummer: DE 265 236 491
Inhaltlich Verantwortliche: Daniela Dietel-Wright

Gestaltung und Produktion Website: Daniela Dietel-Wright, Squarespace
Fotos, falls nicht anders angegeben: Daniela Dietel-Wright

Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehme ich keine Verantwortung über die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschliesslich deren Betreiber verantwortlich. Alle Rechte der genutzen Bilddaten liegen bei ihren jeweiligen Lizenzinhabern.




contact/ imprint


Daniela Dietel-Wright
Rheinstrasse 2-3
12159 Berlin

Telefon: 0049+(0)177-4254 635

Tax ID number: DE 265 236 491
Responsible for the content: Daniela Dietel-Wright

Website design and production: Daniela Dietel-Wright, Squarespace
photos, if not stated otherwise: Daniela Dietel-Wright

Despite careful review of the contents, I assume no responsibility for the contents of external links. Responsibility for the contents of any linked websites lies exclusively with the operators of these websites.
All rights to the image data used are held by their respective license holders.

Daniela Dietel-Wright
Rheinstrasse 2-3
12159 Berlin

Telefon: 0049+(0)177-4254 635

Tax ID number:
Responsible for the content: Daniela Dietel-Wright

Website design and production: Daniela Dietel-Wright, Squarespace
photos, if not stated otherwise: Daniela Dietel-Wright

Despite careful review of the contents, I assume no responsibility for the contents of external links. Responsibility for the contents of any linked websites lies exclusively with the operators of these websites.
All rights to the image data used are held by their respective license holders.